Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tweetables is nearly two years old!

🎉I can't believe that Tweetables is 🥳
two-years old at the beginning of March
- where has the time gone! 
45 wonderful authors have given interviews! 
The blog has nearly 50,000 views!
😍   WOW   😍 
Thank you all!
To celebrate, I'm revisiting five wonderful authors, and finding out what they've been doing since we first chatted. They all have wonderful news, so here's a sneaky peek at who's coming up:
1st March - Lisa Haden
6th March - Duane Simolke

12th March -  Kelly Miller

18th March - Helen Sedgwick

24th March - Laban T M'mbololo, Esq

Please join me in my celebrations and keep an eye out for these great interviews! Also, and this is a big one, thank you so much for continuing to follow the blog and support these wonderful authors. You're amazing 😍💖

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